Have you ever thought “I have a great idea for a board or card game!? It’s an exciting thought! While there is a challenge in coming up with an original idea for a game finding someone or a group interested in your concepts is another hurdle to overcome. Whether you’re considering card games with a deck of cards, you are looking for best card games for adults, or you are probably browsing through new card games for adults, any of your card game ideas can be out there as long as you take the proper steps.

This article will take you through the steps to sell your game and make it a success. Card/board game companies such as BingoSlot offer a venue to play card/board games for adults, however how do you get your game idea in front of there right group of people to make it popular? Let’s jump in and explore how you can make your idea a reality.

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1. Develop Your Game Idea

You have to fully develop a board or card game idea before you can sell it. And start with the writing the basic rules and objectives of the game. Are you more a strategy game or casual game? For example, if you are thinking of a card game like Solitaire or Rummy, how is your version different from or better than existing games? Is there a need for a deck of cards or something else such as dice or boards?

Once you have your idea, validate it! This is a huge step forward. Test your game out with family, friends, or classmates and request feedback from them. Certain aspects of the game may require tweaks and adjustments or it may already be just right. This step helps you determine whether your game is actually fun and if anyone will want to play it.

2. Create a Prototype

Once you’ve fleshed out your idea and made any changes needed, it’s time to build a prototype. Prototypes are basically working versions of your game that you can share with others. If your game is a deck of cards game, you might use handmade cards or a computer to print your cards. If it’s a board game, you could create a simple version of the board using paper and some markers. The goal is to get something that resembles a game and functions well enough that others can play it and provide feedback.

Prototypes don’t have to be fancy at first, but they need to be clear enough to demonstrate how the game functions. If you are thinking of being creative and making new card games for adults, rules should be easy to follow. A good prototype — whether physical or digital — can impress potential buyers or publishers and shows that you’re serious about your idea.

3. Research the Market

Before you go selling the idea for your game, it’s important to check what else is out there. Many best card games (use a deck of cards) and board games for adults are already out there. Look at what types of games are hitting, consider how your game could complement the market. Is your game completely unique, or is it a new spin on an existing game?

You might find people playing certain kinds of games on online platforms such as BingoSlot. Additionally, take a trip to your local game shops, or look up our top 10 lists for best card games for adults to get a feeling for the trends.

Having something your game offers that others don’t have, makes your game a more attractive project for companies or game publishers. For example, maybe your game is higher-paced, or it has an exciting new aspect that people didn’t encounter yet. The more unique your game is, the better!

4. Create a Game Pitch

Once you have a prototype and an understanding of your game’s position in the marketplace, it’s time to create a pitch. A pitch is basically an add for your game. We give you a chance to tell us why a publisher should invest in your game and how great it is. A good pitch should include:

Game Overview:A brief description of what the game is and how to play

The target audience:who is your game targeted at? Is it for children, families or adults? Perhaps you are selling to card/board games for adults — or perhaps it’s for younger players.

What is Unique About it: What is different about your game compared to a deck of cards or other card games? Does it do anything faster, more fun, more creatively?

Artwork: If you have any artwork created for your game (such as card design or game boards), then adding that to your pitch will bring more visual appeal.

“Playability:” Description of the game and why it’s fun. This enables publishers to gain insights on why players will adore it.

Make your pitch short, simple and professional. This is your opportunity to make your game unique and different from other ideas.

5. Pitch to Publishers or Companies

When you have a solid prototype and an excellent pitch, it’s time to contact publishers or game companies. This is one of the card / board games for adults category that a lot companies always invent in order to see new ideas. For starters, you can search for board game publishers online or attend industry events like board game conventions where you can meet some professionals.

You can visit places where people pitch ideas for games, or you could even pitch directly to publishers like BingoSlot if submissions are accepted. It helps to ensure you follow any submission guidelines to a T to give your work the best chance of being noticed.

6. Protect Your Idea

Before you give your game idea away to anyone you should protect your intellectual property. This process is known as copyrighting your game idea. This can be achieved through patenting the mechanics of the game itself or through copyright office registration for the game itself. That way, you gain legal protection should anyone try to steal your idea.

There’s also the option of signing non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) with people who you share your game with, so that they can’t steal your idea afterwards.

7. Be Ready for Feedback

Once you pitch your game to publishers or companies, prepare for feedback. Not all publishers will care about your game, but they might give you good feedback on how to make it better. Some might demand tweaks to the rules or design to make the game more marketable. Be open minded and be willing to make changes if it would help your game succeed.


Even so, selling an original card game or board game idea isn’t easy, but it is possible if you approach it right. Create a fun, unique game, build a prototype, do market research. Then draft a pitch, contact publishers, and safeguard your intellectual property. Remember that BingoSlot helps you explore the different genres people enjoy, so it’s a good source of inspiration when it comes to your games. Hang in there and keep developing your game and you never know—your idea could be the next break out game in the world of adult card games!

Best of luck, and enjoy bringing your game concept to life!